Saturday, February 28, 2015

Easy Jtag 1st Experiment : Z3X pro Easy Jtag BOOT repair Samsung Galaxy SIII Verizon SCH-i535 Successfully Un-bricked


Z3X pro Easy Jtag BOOT repair Samsung Galaxy SIII Verizon SCH-i535 Successfully Un-bricked

  • Connection with MOORC Jpin isp adapter : 

  • Z3x Easy Jtag suite v1.7.0.2 interface (easy repair)

  • LOG report after five attempts:

Initialising: SAMSUNG SCH-I535 Config ver.:1.00
I/O Level set to : 2200 mV
Box S/N: 0E00F0129BB9EAE7 ,FW Ver.: 01.51
Connecting to Target...
Done with error(s *** first time ***)...

Z3X EasyJtag Software ver.
Loading eMMC Addon Firmware... IO: 2850 mV
Box S/N: 0E00F0129BB9EAE7, ,FW Ver.: 01.51
CMD Pullup Level:1051 mV
CMD Active Level:1206 mV
Can't init EMMC, Reason: CMD Timeout Error
Done *** second time ***.

Z3X EasyJtag Software ver.
Loading eMMC Addon Firmware... IO: 2850 mV
Box S/N: 0E00F0129BB9EAE7, ,FW Ver.: 01.51
CMD Pullup Level:1247 mV
CMD Active Level:1454 mV
Can't init EMMC, Reason: CMD Timeout Error
Done *** third time ***.

Z3X EasyJtag Software ver.
Loading eMMC Addon Firmware... IO: 2850 mV
Box S/N: 0E00F0129BB9EAE7, ,FW Ver.: 01.51
CMD Pullup Level:1722 mV
CMD Active Level:2062 mV
Can't init EMMC, Reason: CMD Timeout Error
Done *** forth time ***.
Using EasyRepair Mode...
Checking repair data...
EasyJtag Suite ver.: / wxWidgets 3.1.0-W-U started.
Operating system ver.: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-
For support and updates visit
Check security...OK
Initialising: SAMSUNG SCH-I535 Config ver.:1.00
I/O Level set to : 2200 mV
Box S/N: 0E00F0129BB9EAE7 ,FW Ver.: 01.51
Connecting to Target...
JTAG device: MSM8960.
CPU IDCODE : 0x4F1F0F0F Mfg.: 0x787, Part: 0xf1f0, Ver.: 0x4
CPU Manufacturer: Samsung , CPU Name: ARM7GEN
JTAG device: MSM8960.
CPU IDCODE : 0x706B10E1 Mfg.: 0x070, Part: 0x06b1, Ver.: 0x7
CPU Manufacturer: QUALCOMM , CPU Name: MSM8960 Rev 0.3
Halting CPU...
Initialize hardware...
Starting target communication...
Detecting emmc memory parameters of bank (0) ...
EMMC #0 : ID : 0x00000015 Name : MAG4FB Size : 14.7 G , (30777344) Blocks
EMMC #1 : ID : 0x00000015 Name : MAG4FB Size : 2.0 M , (4096) Blocks
eMMC flash device(s) found, Device ID : 0x00150000
NAND Writing GPT...
Packet length too large: 0xFFFFFFFF
Unknown DCC answer /PROTOCOL/
Failed writing file GPT.BIN to eMMC flash 0 at offset 0x000B0000
Using EasyRepair Mode...
Checking repair data...
EasyJtag Suite ver.: / wxWidgets 3.1.0-W-U started.
Operating system ver.: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-
For support and updates visit
Check security...OK
Initialising: SAMSUNG SCH-I535 Config ver.:1.00
I/O Level set to : 2200 mV
Box S/N: 0E00F0129BB9EAE7 ,FW Ver.: 01.51
Connecting to Target...
JTAG device: MSM8960.
CPU IDCODE : 0x4F1F0F0F Mfg.: 0x787, Part: 0xf1f0, Ver.: 0x4
CPU Manufacturer: Samsung , CPU Name: ARM7GEN
JTAG device: MSM8960.
CPU IDCODE : 0x706B10E1 Mfg.: 0x070, Part: 0x06b1, Ver.: 0x7
CPU Manufacturer: QUALCOMM , CPU Name: MSM8960 Rev 0.3
Halting CPU...
Initialize hardware...
Starting target communication...
Detecting emmc memory parameters of bank (0) ...
EMMC #0 : ID : 0x00000015 Name : MAG4FB Size : 14.7 G , (30777344) Blocks
EMMC #1 : ID : 0x00000015 Name : MAG4FB Size : 2.0 M , (4096) Blocks
eMMC flash device(s) found, Device ID : 0x00150000
NAND Writing GPT...
eMMC Write OK! Elapsed time: 32.287846s (126.859 KiB/s)
NAND Writing SBL1...
eMMC Write OK! Elapsed time: 1.220070s (104.912 KiB/s)
NAND Writing SBL2...
eMMC Write OK! Elapsed time: 2.139122s (119.675 KiB/s)
NAND Writing SBL3...
eMMC Write OK! Elapsed time: 4.834276s (105.910 KiB/s)
NAND Writing ABOOT...
eMMC Write OK! Elapsed time: 19.986700s (102.468 KiB/s)
NAND Writing RPM...
eMMC Write OK! Elapsed time: 3.120006s (164.102 KiB/s)
NAND Writing TZ...
eMMC Write OK! Elapsed time: 3.759606s (136.184 KiB/s)
All Done.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

MATLAB TuTeR 6: Data types with MATLAB

Data types with MATLAB

Matlab constants:

inf = means infinity number. e.g. 1/0

isinf(x) = means is x is infinity? if yes, returns 1. if no, returns 0.

nan = means not a number. e.g. 0/0, inf/inf

isnan(x) = means is x is not a number? if yes, returns 1. if no, returns 0.

pi = means pi 3.14.....

i & j = represents complex number 0+1i which equal sqrt(-1(, the complex numbers has 16 bytes double number which attribute is complex.


Matlab data types or Classes

class(x) = returns the data type of x, e.g. double, single, ...

single(x) = changes the data type precision of x to single.

The default data type of numeric values in MATLAB is double which need 8 bytes of memory, single needs just 4 bytes.

realmin('DataType') = returns the minimum real value of the data type.

realmax('DataType') = returns the maximun real value of the data type.

For e.g. to get the minimum real value of the double precision data type and the maximum real value of the single precision data type.

>> realmin('double')

>> realmax('single')

Integer values also a valid data types in MATLAB in the two forms signed or unsigned as:

int8, 16, 32, 64

uint8, 16, 32, 64


Strings data types:

To define a string or entering it use:

>> x='string';

>> x='hello matlab';

>> x='let''s go with matlab';

MATLAB saves strings as a matrix or a vector of characters each character needs two bytes. this char's vector or matrix can be extracted to elements or combined with other elements as in numeric matrices.

num2str(x) = converts x to string of characters, where x is a numeric value. Then can be passed with characters or strings.e.g.

>> name = 'Almontaser';

>> nick = 'kabtin';

>> email = '';

>> phoneNo = 0249918814188;

>> ['my name is : ' name ', my NickName is: ' nick ', my Email is: ' email ', my phone No. ' num2str(phoneNo(]

ans =
my name is : Almontaser, my NickName is: kabtin, my Email is:, my phone No. 249918814188

strcmpi('string1','string2') = compares the two strings; if they have different characters returns 0,  if not returns 1, capital and small letters doesn't different.


Structure data type:

Stores values for many variables as follow:

>> = 'Almontaser';

>> MY.nick = 'Kabtin';

>> MY.mail = '';

>> = '0249918814188';

>> address.contury = 'Sudan';

>> = 'Khartoum';

>> address.htown = 'Omdurman';

>> address.home = sym(2/5);

>> address.homeNO = 122;

>> MY.address = address

>> MY

MY =

       name: 'Almontaser'

       nick: 'Kabtin'

       mail: ''

      phone: '0249918814188'

    address: [1x1 struct]

>> MY.address

ans =

    contury: 'Sudan'

       town: 'Khartoum'

      htown: 'Omdurman'

       home: [1x1 sym]

     homeNO: 122

>> MY.address.home

ans = 2/5


Cell array data type:

It's like a matrix but it can include multiple types of data and it can includes a sub-cells and it use{ & } instead of [ & ], for e.g.

>> hometown = {'omdurman' sym(2/5) 'Hai alarab' 122};

>> local = {'SUDAN' 'KARTOUM' 123};

>> info = {local hometown}

info =

    {1x3 cell}    {1x4 cell}

>> info(1)

ans =     {1x3 cell}

>> info{1}

ans =     'SUDAN'    'KARTOUM'    [123]


Function types:

Functions can has many types depending on the method that function entered by it, if the function entered symbolically by function handle "@" or by "solve" commands then function type will be symbolic. And if function entered by "inline" command, then will be inline data type.

Note: function type can be found in TuTeR 4 & 5 which used in calculus and algebraic calculations.

MATLAB TuTeR 4: Algebraic calculations

MATLAB TuTeR 5: Calculus Calculation


Logical type:

The results of compassions or logic operators are always zero or one which is represents the Boolean result; true or false.

Boolean operator
Smaller than.
Greater than.
Smaller than or equal.
Greater than or equal.