Sunday, January 18, 2015

MATLAB TuTer 2: Matlab Language Fundamentals

Matlab Language Fundamentals

Basic Arithmetic and order of operations:

We can demonstrate all the operations of the basic calculator and the scientific calculator using MATLAB, but MATLAB is a case sensitive tool which mean we have to enter or expressions or functions in the right way that MATAB understands and to get the right required answers.
So we can use addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) symbols to solve our basic calculations.
The order of operations is also an important thing we should take care of while we entering our equations or functions, that because "5+6*7" doesn't equal "(5+6)*7", because like mathematics said the multiplication and division operations has a higher order than addition and subtraction.

Exponents and Scientific Notation:

Exponents in MATLAB are represented by "^" the exponentiation symbol the number after the symbol represents the power, for example:
5^3 means 53 = 5 * 5 * 5 = 5 x 5 x 5
Exception; if we enter " -5^2 " in simple its equal "25" in positive, but MATLAB it get it like this " -1*5^2 " and gives " -25 " as the answer and that because MATLAB will always do exponents first, so to get the appropriate answer we should but the expression like this " (-5)^2 ".
The scientific notations are widely used in advanced calculations and it represented like this:
Scientific notation
In simple
Other format
8.522 x 103
8.522 x 10-3
-8.522 x 102

Working with Fractions and the Symbolic Math Toolbox

Fraction is the number which has a numerator and denominator values, MATLAB always give answers in decimal form, but sometimes when we working with fractions we need the answers in fraction, and MATLAB doesn't do that until we tell it to do!
So if we have a need to do any calculations to fractions and we need the answer in a fraction of a symbolic form we use the symbolic toolbox commands, for example:
With symbolic form
Sym(1/2+1/4) = 3/4 symbolic form
Without symbolic form
1/2+1/4 = 0.7500 numeric form
  We can use the symbolic command "sym( )" to convert any numeric or decimal value into a symbolic or fraction, and to convert from symbolic form to decimal form we use the command "double( )", for example:

Defining and Using Variables and comments:

We can define variables and assign any value to this variable very easy, but MATLAB is case sensitive to the variable name letters, we can add some line of comments into our MATLAB code without affecting any part of the code but simply by typing these comments after "%" symbol until the end of the line, for example:
Some variable definition
Some variable definition
X = 10
Y = sin(x)
Z= 0:0.1:10; z=0:10
z=(15+2)^2 + (23-3)*10
B=[1 2 3;4 5 6]
>> Mass=37; % define mass variable and assign its value.
>> Accel=25; % define acceleration variable and assign its value.
>> Force=Mass * Accel; % define force variable and assign its value by the equation
% this is circle area calculation code, which equal π x R2 .
>> R = 22; % define the radius variable and assign its value.
% π is already defined in MATLAB in the name "pi".
>> Area = pi * R^2; % calculate the value of the area.
Note[1]: we can manage and look for all the variables defined in our session by using the commands "who" and "whos", try it by yourself.
Note[2]: we can clear any variable by the command "clear var_name", or we can clear all the variables by the command "clear all".

Adjusting the Display Precision:

We can adjust the display precision by using the command "format style", format sets the display of floating-point numeric values to the default display format, which is the short fixed decimal format. This format displays 5-digit scaled, fixed-point values, format Style changes the display format to the specified Style.
short (default)
Short fixed decimal format, with 4 digits after the decimal point.
Long fixed decimal format, with 15 digits after the decimal point for double values, and 7 digits after the decimal point for single values.
Currency format, with 2 digits after the decimal point.
Short scientific notation, with 4 digits after the decimal point.


There is other style you can try it by yourself by using help documentation of the command.

Creating and Storing Values in Symbolic Variables:

We can create symbolic variables to assign its fraction value at any time, by using the commands:
>> x = sym(x); % define symbolic variable called "x".
>> syms y;    % define symbolic variable called "y".
We can assign the fraction value to the symbolic variable directly by using the command:
>> x = sym(1/8); % create "x" symbolic value and assign its value "1/8".
Now we can do any calculations with fractions and keep the answer in the symbolic form, for example:
>> R = sym(15/2); % define radius variable in symbolic form                       and assign its value.
>> Area = pi * R^2; % calculate area value.
Answer: Area = (225*pi)/4   "the result in symbolic form".
Note[1]: try the command "pretty (area)" to see the other fraction form of the area value.
Note[2]: you can get the decimal answer again using the command double(ans) or vpa(ans), where ans is the name of the variable that hold the non-decimal value format.
Example: calculate the volume of circle which "Vol = (4/3)πR3
>> R = sym(19/5); % define radius and assign a value to it.
>> Vol = (4/3)*pi*R^3; % the volume equation.
Answer: Vol = (27436*pi)/375 "the result in symbolic form".

Essential Mathematical Functions:

Factorial, Square Roots, and nth Roots:

We can find the factorial of any number simply by "factorial (X)", where "X" is the number we want to get its factorial.
We can find the square root of any number simply by "sqrt (X)", or we can rise the number to the (1/2) power, and if we want the nth root we use "nthroot (X,n)", where "n" is nth root degree, for example:
factorial (18)
sqrt (169)
nthroot (8,3)
2 "the third root of 8"
nthroot (20736,4)
2*10^(1/2)  "try pretty and double command".

Trigonometric Functions and their Inverses:

Function command
sin (x) , y = sin (x)
returns the circular sine of the elements of X.
cos (x) , y = cos (x)
returns the circular cosine of the elements of X.
tan (x) , y = tan (x)
returns the circular tangent of each element of X.
sec (x) , y = sec (x)
returns the circular secant of each element of X.
cot (x) , y = cot (x)
returns the cotangent for each element of X.
csc (x) , y = csc (x)
returns the cosecant for each element of x.
asin (x) y = asin (x)
returns the inverse sine (arcsine) for each element of X
acos (x) , y = acos (x)
returns the inverse cosine (arccosine) for each element of X.
atan (x) , y = atan (x)
returns the inverse tangent (arctangent) for each element of X.
asec (x) , y = asec (x)
returns the inverse secant (arc secant) for each element of X.
acot (x) , y = acot (x)
returns the inverse cotangent (arc cotangent) for each element of X.
acsc (x) , y = acsc (x)
returns the inverse cosecant (arc cosecant) for each element of X.

By default MATLAB interrupt the value of X in radian, if we want it in degree we simply use (x*pi/180).
sine(-π ≤ X ≤ π)
X = -pi:0.01:pi; plot(X,sin(X));
cosine(-π ≤ X ≤ π)
X = -pi:0.01:pi; plot(X,cos(X));
tangent (-π/2 ≤ X ≤ π/2)
X = (-pi/2) : 0.01 : (pi/2);
plot (X, tan(X) );

Hyperbolic Functions and their Inverses:

Function command
sinh (x) , y = sinh (x)
returns the hyperbolic sine of the elements of X.
cosh (x) , y = cosh (x)
returns the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of X.
tanh (x) , y = tanh (x)
returns the hyperbolic tangent of each element of X.
sech (x) , y = sech (x)
returns the hyperbolic secant of each element of X.
coth (x) , y = coth (x)
returns the hyperbolic cotangent for each element of X.
csch (x) , y = csch (x)
returns the hyperbolic cosecant for each element of x.
asinh (x) y = asinh (x)
returns the inverse hyperbolic sine (arcsine) for each element of X
acosh (x) , y = acosh (x)
returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine (arccosine) for each element of X.
atanh (x) , y =atanh (x)
returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent (arctangent) for each element of X.
asech (x) , y = asech (x)
returns the inverse hyperbolic secant (arc secant) for each element of X.
acoth (x) , y = acoth (x)
returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent (arc cotangent) for each element of X.
acsch (x) , y = acsch (x)
returns the inverse hyperbolic cosecant (arc cosecant) for each element of X.

Exponentials and Logarithms:

The exponential function which represented as "e" is a commonly used element in mathematics, so we can find it always raised to some power for e.g. "e3", "e-6", or "e" and other, in MATLAB we define the exponential function by "exp (power)", for example:

In Mathematics
exp (3)
exp (-6)
exp (2*pi)
For logarithms we have different types depending on the base of the logarithms, see the table:
log (x)
returns the natural logarithm of X
Log (5)
log10 (x)
returns the logarithm to the base 10 of X.
Log10 (100)
log2 (x)
returns the logarithm to the base 2 of X.
Log2 (64)

Complex numbers:

Basic Calculations with Complex Numbers:

A Complex number is consist of two parts the real part and the imaginary part "i" as we know " i = 0 + i " which is "-11/2" or "sqrt(-1)" , in MATLAB we can enter or define any complex number as easy as in mathematics, and we can also apply any of the basic calculations ( + , - , * , / ) with these complex number, some examples:
A = 23+5i
B =30-6i
A+B, A-B, A*B, A/B
We can also apply other mathematics calculations with complex number using MATLAB, for example:
Square root
sqrt (1+3i)
(-1+12i)^3 , (10-3i)^-2

Calculating the Magnitude and Angle of Complex Numbers:

We can get the magnitude of any complex number in MATLAB using the Absolute value function "abs (x)" which equal (R2+I2)1/2, where "x" is the complex number "x = R ± I". And if we want the angle of any complex number we use the built-in MATLAB command "angle(x)" and we get the angle of the complex number "x" in radians, if we want it in degrees we simply use "angle(x)*180/pi".
There is other built-in MATLAB command used with complex numbers, some of these commands are:
real (x)
Returns the real part of a complex number x.
imag (x)
Returns the imaginary part of a complex number x.
a = 3 + 3i    ,    b = 5 - 9i    ,    c = -12 – 1/2i  ,  d = 4i   ,   e = -2i
abs(a)  ,  abs(b)  ,  exp(c)  , exp(d)  , exp(e)
angle(a)  ,  angle (b)  ,  angle (c)  , angle (d) , angle (e)
angle(a)*180/pi  ,   angle(b)*180/pi  , angle(d)*180/pi
angle(c)*180/pi   ,    angle(e)*180/pi
real(a), real(d), imag(b), imag(c), real(e)
  We can use the exponential function to convert a complex number from polar form to rectangular form, by the command:
exp (θ*i) , which equal e^( θ *i) = cos(θ) + (sin(θ)) i  , for example :
>> exp (pi*i) = -1.0000 + 0.0000i
-         So we can get the magnitude and the angle from the polar form:
>> abs ( exp (pi*i) ) % which equal "1"
>> angle (exp (pi*i) ) %which equal "pi = 3.14" radian
>> angle (exp (pi*i) )*180/pi % which equal "180" degrees
e.g. which is:
>> 3*exp (0.4*i) %try it and find the magnitude and the angle.
We can also get the conjugate of a complex number using "conj(x)" function, for e.g.
>> conj(5+3i) % ans = 5-3i

Trig Functions, Logarithms, and Exponentials with Complex Numbers:

We can use the trigonometric, logarithms, exponential, and hyperbolic functions with complex numbers in the proper way we should, try the examples below:

Complex Numbers and the Symbolic Math Toolbox:

Symbolic math toolbox commands help us to get the answer in non-decimal forms and sometimes we need it, so try these examples:
sym ( exp( 3+3i ) )
sym ( abs (3+3i) ) , sym ( abs (1+i) ) , sym ( abs (1+2i) )
sym ( angle (3+3i) ) , sym ( angle (1+i) ) ,  sym ( angle (2i) )
z=2-1/2i  ,  syms z  ,  z = sym (2-1/2i )  , z+z , z*z, z^3, …
s=(z^5)+(2*z^3)-(5z^-2) , real(s) , imag(s) , conj(s), double(s)

Some MATLAB functions and their usage:

Returns -1 if X<0, 0 if X=0, 1 if X>0.
Returns the remainder of x/y. called the modulus function.

Some MATLAB special characters:

The code completes into the next line.

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